
11 August 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (11 August 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Starving Darkness” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

In these times when the darkness seems particularly pervasive and daunting, how do we continue to be the light, for ourselves and for others?

Our summer fun activity for children and youth on this Sunday is making Ojos de Dios (Eyes of God) with Sam First and making Friendship Bracelets with Maggie Molisee.


Adult Religious Education — 11 August 2019

Please join us on Sunday (11 August 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Faith Like a River:  Themes in Unitarian Universalist History” with Bennett Upton and Jax Schmidt.

Join Bennett and Jax for this workshop series exploring “the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history-the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage.”

This week we continue with “The Water is Wide: Multiculturalism”:

As Unitarian Universalists, we face the challenge and opportunity to embrace those with different experiences, perspectives, and ways of being in the world.  As Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists, we have at times in our history followed societal norms in our willingness or reluctance to welcome diversity.  At other times, we have confronted and refuted the accepted ways-sometimes our own accepted ways-in order to embrace diversity and invite it to transform us.  This workshop explores stories of multicultural encounter from our tradition; some are inspiring, and some ask us to examine past actions with candor and compassion.


4 August 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (4 August 2019) at 11:00 AM for our Water Communion Service with Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We welcome Rev. Barbara back this Sunday for our annual Water Communion Service.

This is a time when we bring water — whether real or symbolic — from our experiences of the summer (from far away across oceans or from a puddle in your own backyard).

We pour the water into a common vessel as we briefly share our stories.  No one drinks this water.  Instead, we boil, filter, and freeze it and add it to water from previous years of this service.  The water is used for child dedications and other special rituals of the church.

We’ll have the water ceremony while the children and youth are in with us and then sing them out to their summer fun activity — preparing a salad bar lunch for the church in celebration of Lughnasadh (the beginning of the harvest season in the Druid tradition) with help from Kevin Henry and friends.

This is Green Bag Sunday for Noel UMC Food Pantry.  This month, they need canned green beans (15 oz.) and packaged side dishes such as mac and cheese, Rice-a-Roni or Zatarain’s side dishes.


Adult Religious Education — 4 August 2019

Please join us on Sunday (4 August 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Faith Like a River:  Themes in Unitarian Universalist History” with Bennett Upton and Jax Schmidt.

Join Bennett and Jax for this workshop series exploring “the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history-the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage.”

This week: “The Water is Wide: Multiculturalism”:

As Unitarian Universalists, we face the challenge and opportunity to embrace those with different experiences, perspectives, and ways of being in the world.  As Unitarians, Universalists, and Unitarian Universalists, we have at times in our history followed societal norms in our willingness or reluctance to welcome diversity.  At other times, we have confronted and refuted the accepted ways-sometimes our own accepted ways-in order to embrace diversity and invite it to transform us.  This workshop explores stories of multicultural encounter from our tradition; some are inspiring, and some ask us to examine past actions with candor and compassion.


28 July 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (28 July 2019) at 11:00 AM for “After Apologies, Then What?” by Claudia Harris.

We are delighted to welcome counselor and All Souls member Claudia Harris back to our pulpit as she explores the interplay between apology, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

This is Give Away the Plate Sunday, and our recipient this month is the 2019 North Louisiana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival sponsored by PACE.  All Souls is proud to be a co-sponsor of the festival and this Sunday’s non-pledge collection will go toward our sponsorship.

Our summer fun activity for this Sunday is making and racing little cars with Amanda Lawrence.


Adult Religious Education — 28 July 2019

Please join us on Sunday (28 July 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Faith Like a River:  Themes in Unitarian Universalist History” with Bennett Upton and Jax Schmidt.

Join Bennett and Jax for this workshop series exploring “the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history-the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage.”

This week: “Shall We Gather at the River: Religious Tolerance” (continued):

Religious tolerance is one of the greatest values of our movement.  Perhaps our faith embraces it passionately because our religious forebears were so often subjected to intolerance.  Throughout Western history, religious tolerance has been a question both in the civic realm, as societies have worked out whether to allow diversity of religious belief and practice, and within faith traditions themselves, as religions have had to work out just how much diversity of belief would be tolerated within their particular tradition.

This workshop explores tolerance of diverse beliefs, both in the civic realms that held our faith forebears and within our faith tradition itself.

Participants examine moments in history when governments or rulers — wrestling with questions of religious freedom — created an environment where Unitarianism and Universalism could take root.  The workshop also studies the history of religious diversity within the Unitarian tradition.


21 July 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (21 July 2019) at 11:00 AM for “There is Love More Powerful than Differences or Fears in its Claim on Our Hearts” by Judy Cantil and Bishop Shaun Cooper.

While religions may differ in their metaphysical views, religious and secular views converge in the realm of compassion and ethics.

Join Judy and her friend Bishop Shaun for this joyful service full of music and life in celebration of bridging differences in these polarizing times.

Our summer fun activity for this Sunday is water balloon painting with Leigh Anne and Joshua Chambers.


14 July 2019 Worship Service and Summer Fun for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (14 July 2019) at 11:00 AM for “When Lady Liberty Weeps” by Dr. Pamela McPherson.

Dr. Pamela McPherson is a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Shreveport, Louisiana.  She has been recognized for her role as a whistle-blower regarding the care and conditions at the immigration detention facilities and has seen firsthand the state of the facilities and people housed there.

We are thrilled to have her at All Souls as our guest speaker this Sunday.

Her presentation is called “When Lady Liberty Weeps” and will include video.

Our summer fun for this Sunday will be “How to Read Music” with Ash McLain and Kevin Henry.  And for the not-as-musically-interested — “Jewelry Making” with Georgia Morgan.


Adult Religious Education — 14 July 2019

Please join us on Sunday (14 July 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “Faith Like a River:  Themes in Unitarian Universalist History” with Bennett Upton and Jax Schmidt.

Join Bennett and Jax for this workshop series exploring “the dynamic course of Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist (UU) history-the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our faith heritage.”

This week we continue — “Ripples in the Water:  The Evangelists”:

We may not think of ourselves as an evangelical faith, but many over the years have worked to intentionally spread the good news of Unitarian and Universalist thought.  This workshop looks at individuals and groups in our faith history that helped our movement to grow.


Building and Grounds Work Day — 13 July 2019

Please join us on Saturday (13 July 2019) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

The work of maintaining the physical home of our faith community is done primarily by US, the members and friends of the congregation. Join us for the whole time, or just an hour or so if your Saturday is busy.

We have tasks both indoors and out, for all ages and levels of ability.
