
Building and Grounds Work Day — 9 March 2019

Please join us on Saturday (9 March 2019) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Most of the work for our church home is done by us — the members and friends of All Souls.

Weather permitting — we’ll have tasks both outdoors and indoors.

But rain or shine, we’ll have jobs for all ages and abilities.

Come join us for the whole time, or just an hour or so if that’s all the time you have.  Every little bit helps.

Can’t stay this Saturday — consider dropping off some snacks for the work crew.


3 March 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (3 March 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Justice and U(U)s” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Continuing this season’s focus on peace, social justice, and the interdependent web, what is ours to do as Unitarian Universalists in the effort to bend the moral arc of the universe toward justice?

In this season of our church year, we honor our second principle (“justice, equity, and compassion in human relations”), our sixth principle (“the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all”), and our seventh principle (“respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”).

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 3 March 2019

Please join us on Sunday (3 March 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

Join us to view the Together Louisiana Civic Academy video “The Louisiana Paradox: Why Louisiana Stays Poor.”

This video includes a look at one of many paradoxical zip codes in Louisiana.


Green Bag Sunday for Noel Food Pantry (3 March 2019)

This March 2019, Noel Food Pantry is requesting:

  • Canned fruit – 15 oz.
  • Instant oatmeal packets
  • Cornbread mix

Buy one or more of any or all of these items, bring them in a bag (any color bag) on Sunday and place your bag in the hatch of the green Kia Soul that will be parked out front.

JoDel Adkins will take the food to Noel on Monday when she volunteers there.


24 February 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (24 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Parsing the Paradox of Peace” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell

Beginning this season’s focus on peace, social justice, and the interdependent web, we honor our second principle (“justice, equity, and compassion in human relations”), our sixth principle (“the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all”), and our seventh principle (“respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part”).

A newcomer session will follow the service. This is a time to view a video from the UUA, to tell us a little of your own story, if you are willing, and to ask any questions you might have about our congregation or about Unitarian Universalism. Childcare will be provided.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.



Adult Religious Education — 24 February 2019 (NOTE – earlier start time)

Please join us on Sunday (24 February 2019) at 9:00 AM for our adult religious education class (please note the earlier start time for this Sunday only).

We’re starting early this Sunday for the opportunity to hear from one of the most powerful and prophetic voices of our time — Rev. Dr. William Barber II (leader of the modern Poor People’s Campaign and Repairers of the Breach).

We will view the video of his address to the Peace and Justice Summit of the Equal Justice Initiative.


17 February 2019 All-Ages Worship

Please join us on Sunday (17 February 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Our Third Source: Learning and Growing with Love and Respect” with the children, youth, and adults of All Souls.
Capping this season’s focus on the third source of Unitarian Universalism (the wisdom of the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life), we will look at how we tell the stories that did not come from us and how we can learn and be nourished by those stories without stealing or misusing them or the traditions from which they come.
Give Away The Plate — For this Sunday, all of our non-pledge income will go to our Give Away the Plate recipient — Holy Cross Hope House.
Opened in 2004, Hope House is a ministry of Holy Cross Episcopal Church and a place where the church’s homeless neighbors can shower, receive mail, access telephones, and get fed.
Staff and volunteers help guests navigate the system to receive food stamps, Medicaid, and other services, and St. Luke’s Mobile Medical Van visits there twice a month.
Earlene Venable will be on hand to tell us more about this vital ministry in our community.

Adult Religious Education — 17 February 2019

Please join us on Sunday (17 February 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class for an overview of yesterday’s (16 February 2019) Together Louisiana’s statewide leadership meeting in Alexandria along with an invitation to participate with Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith and Together Louisiana during the upcoming legislative session and the 2019 and 2020 election cycles.

Our Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) affiliate organizations provide us with the opportunity for the kind of active citizenship for which voting is just the first step and we are able to accomplish more through these partnerships than we could ever do as one congregation.

Come and learn more about what we’re doing and how you can join in.
