
Adult Religious Education — 2 December 2018

Please join us on Sunday (2 December 2018) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

We will hear more from Father Richard Rohr in an audio presentation of his “On Being” interview with Krista Tippett (“Living in Deep Time”).

Join us for this continued exploration of the contemplative path in Christianity.

At this time of year when we consider our roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions, join us to hear a different take on God and Christianity as something relational, inclusive, and all-encompassing, as opposed to what Father Rohr calls the “supernatural Santa Claus handing out cosmic lottery tickets to those who attend the right church or say the right prayer.”


Festivus Marketplace (2 December 2018)

Please join us for our holiday Festivus Marketplace this Sunday (2 December 2018) from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

  • A market for jewelry, art, soaps, candles, or whatever beautiful thing you make!
  • A market for buying art, soaps, candles, or whatever beautiful things you want to buy as gifts for your friends and family!
  • This event is happening alongside the church’s Annual Monster Cookie Swap/Sale, which is well attended.
  • There is no set vendor fee, but vendors are encouraged to donate a minimum of 10 percent of their sales to All Souls. You will be supplied with a donation envelope and a name tent for your table.
  • You are welcome to attend the 11 a.m. service or stay with your table, but be aware that traffic will likely be very sparse or nonexistent during that hour.

Please email Melissa with the following:

  • Confirm your interest in this event
  • Your name (or name of business) exactly how you want for marketing
  • Your phone number and email.
  • The church has a few folding tables available available on a first requested-first served basis — please let Melissa know if you need one.

Monster Cookie Swap (2 December 2018)

Monster Cookie Swap — Sunday (2 December 2018) after the worship service.

Everyone:  Gather up an assortment of your favorite cookies and baked goods.  Great gifts for neighbors and friends or bring them to holiday parties to share.  Take as many as you like and just toss your worthy donation in the basket on the table.

Bakers:  Bring a batch of your favorite cookies and drop them off at the Cookie Swap table in the hallway.

Questions:  Email Amanda Lawrence or text her at 318-402-3314.


25 November 2018 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (25 November 2018) at 11:00 AM for “The Evolution of God” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Rev. Jarrell is in the pulpit this morning — exploring the ways that God has grown with us in the continuing co-creative process as our own minds and hearts expand.

Our “Give Away the Plate” recipient for November 2019 is The Philadelphia Center.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 25 November 2018

Please join us on Sunday (25 November 2018) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

We will be viewing “Divine Dance” — a video by Father Richard Rohr from Talks at Google.

At this time of year when we consider our roots in the Jewish and Christian traditions, join us to hear a different take on God and Christianity as something relational, inclusive, and all-encompassing, as opposed to what Father Rohr calls the “supernatural Santa Claus handing out cosmic lottery tickets to those who attend the right church or say the right prayer.”


18 November 2018 All-Ages Thanksgiving Worship and Feast

Please join us on Sunday (18 November 2018) at 11:00 AM for our annual all-ages Thanksgiving service, communion ritual, and feast — “Finding Gratitude” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

As we do each year, we will begin with a shorter service in the sanctuary and then process to the social hall for an inclusive bread and water communion (focused on the community we share and the need to feed the hungry people of the world).

After the ritual, we have a feast that really is our best potluck of the year.

If you don’t cook, no worries.

There are plenty of people who do cook and there are plenty of things we need that you can pick up from the store.

And even if you can’t bring anything, come anyway.  There are plenty of ways you can help with this feast.

Sign up here to let us know what you can bring.

There will be no religious education classes for children and youth today — these classes will resume next Sunday (25 November 2018).

Our “Give Away the Plate” recipient for November 2019 is The Philadelphia Center.


Our Whole Lives Grades 10-12 Sexuality Education Parent Orientation (26 November 2018)

NOW (National Organization for Women) Shreveport – Bossier and All Souls in partnership are offering a parent / caregiver orientation for the Our Whole Lives (OWL) comprehensive sexuality education curriculum for grades 10-12.

This orientation will happen on Monday (26 November 2018) from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at All Souls

If you are a parent or adult caregiver / guardian of a high school-age youth in grades 10-12 (ages 15-18), we invite you to come and learn from our trained facilitators about the OWL program.

We we will be offering to youth from All Souls and the wider community after the first of the year.

Continue reading “Our Whole Lives Grades 10-12 Sexuality Education Parent Orientation (26 November 2018)”


11 November 2018 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (11 November 2018) at 11:00 AM for “Tribute, Solace, Challenge:  Some Thoughts on  Veteran’s Day” with Steve Caldwell, Jennifer Russell, and Susan Caldwell.

Capt. Cassandra Bates, USAF — first woman serving in the 435th Contingency Response Group Airborne Team

On this Sunday morning at 11:00 AM in every time zone, bells of peace will ring from churches, universities, cemeteries, ships at sea, and war memorials around the world in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended the Great War (ostensibly the “war to end all wars” which sadly would later come to be called “World War I”).

On this day, we will pay tribute to those who serve and have served, exploring what “tribute” may and may not mean.

We’ll also take some time to lift up the values on which our nation was ostensibly founded and how we grow a nation that ultimately upholds those values for all — bending the arc always toward justice even when it’s heartbreaking, even when it’s easy to believe we are moving backward.

A newcomer’s class will follow the service — child care provided.

Our “Give Away the Plate” recipient for November 2019 is The Philadelphia Center.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 11 November 2018

Please join us on Sunday (11 November 2018) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “From Jesus to Nicea:  A Flash History of the Early, Early Christian Church.”

Archeological find in a Turkish lake may be the church that hosted the Council of Nicea.

Although the Unitarianism and Universalism that form the two streams of our faith largely evolved on this continent, we do look back to the theologians considered heretics of the early Church as the earliest forerunners of our faith.

The journey to what came to be orthodox Christianity was a long one — full of many often cacophonous voices.

Come take a whirlwind tour.
