
1 January 2017 All-Ages Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (1 January 2017) at 11:00 AM for “The Wheel of the Times” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Join us on the first day of the new year — all ages are welcome into the sanctuary.

We will have no children and youth religious education classes or nursery care — both will resume next week (8 January 2017).

Our adult religious education classes will also resume next week.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service — 24 December 2016

Please join us on Christmas Eve (24 December 2016) at 6:30 PM for our traditional candlelight service featuring music from the All Souls Choir, a reading of the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke, and (of course) the candlelight reflected in the church window.

Although the service is one of the most traditional ones we have all year, it is also welcoming of all and inclusive of all theologies.

In these uncertain times, let us be together in peace and pass on the light to one another.

Nursery care will be available for infants and toddlers as needed, although all children will be welcomed into the sanctuary.


18 December 2016 All-Ages Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (18 December 2016) at 11:00 AM for “Waiting for the Light” with the children, youth, and adults of All Souls.

On this final Sunday of Advent, we celebrate the common thread of returning light that runs through the winter holidays of Christianity, Judaism, and earth-based traditions.

An all-ages holiday party with food, games, and crafts will follow the service.

We will also be gift-wrapping the Community Support children’s holiday gifts that are still unwrapped.  They will be picked up by Community Support employees on Tuesday afternoon (20 December 2016).




Helping the Helpers

Who deserves a “thank you” this Christmas Eve?  Firefighters, ER staff, police, EMTs, etc?

Maybe the employees at your neighborhood convenience store, who don’t save lives but might have saved your dinner by carrying that ingredient you forgot?

Please bring cookies or other holiday snacks to the church social hall on Friday (23 December 2016) between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM.

Amanda Lawrence and friends will then divide the goodies up into decorative trays.

After the Christmas Eve service, everyone  is invited to grab a tray or two and deliver them to wherever they see fit.

Please note, we cannot accept snacks that need refrigeration or heating.


Adult Religious Education — 18 December 2016

The Adoration of the Shepherds (Gerard von Honthorst, 1622)

Please join us on Sunday (18 December 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “The Stable Revisited.”

What does the Christmas story mean to you?

We will look at the versions of the story in Matthew and Luke, share personal reflections, and look at various spiritual interpretations.


11 December 2016 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us this Sunday (11 December 2016) at 11:00 AM for “A Tradition of Faith” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

On this day that new members will sign the membership book, we celebrate our congregation — a covenanted community within a Living Tradition that belongs to all of us.

We will have a Congregational Business Meeting following the service — child care will be provided — we must have a quorum.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service — children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 11 December 2016

earlychristianmosaicPlease join us on Sunday (11 December 2016) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class — “The Beatitudes.”

We will take a look at this iconic passage from the “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5: 1-12).  We will also explore parallel passages in another gospel (Luke 6: 20-23) along with various references in the Gospel of Thomas using lenses of various translations and interpretations.


Barbara Jarrell Concert and CD Release Party — 15 December 2016

Photo by Mary Catherine Rollo

Please join us on Thursday (15 December 2016) at 7:00 PM for an evening with Barbara Jarrell and friends.

This concert and CD release party will include performances with Barbara Jarrell and guest musicians TBA –suggested donation of $15.00 at the door.

Barbara’s CDs will be for sale — $10.00 each (just in time for holiday shopping).

All gate proceeds will go to the church as well as $8.00 of every purchase of one of Barbara’s solo CDs.

Heavy hors d’oeuvres, coffee, tea, punch and water available between sets — BYOB if desired.

If you’re one of those people who’ve been listening to Barbara’s music for years and kept asking “Is any of this on CD?” — the answer is “yes.”

And Barbara is giving a benefit concert for the church to celebrate.  The concert will feature music from the CDs as well as other selections not yet released.

Continue reading “Barbara Jarrell Concert and CD Release Party — 15 December 2016”
