
2013 Pledge Drive and Budget Update

At our 16 December 2012 Congregational Business Meeting, we passed a provisional budget and have scheduled a special congregational budget meeting for 20 January 2013 at 12:30 PM (immediately after the Sunday worship service).  If you have not yet provided your 2013 pledge to the church, please do it now.


30 December 2012 Pancake Breakfast

CalvinHobbesPancakeRing in the New Year with pancakes, fruit, coffee, juice and various tasty breakfast treats brought to you by the Food, Folks and Fun Committee on Sunday (30 December 2012).

We will be serving before church from 10:15 to 11:00 AM, and then after the service from 12:00 to 12:30 PM (or till no one wants to eat any more — whichever comes first).

Note — For optimum experience of the event, attending before church is highly recommended!  For optimum-PLUS experience of the event, staying after church to help clean up and build community with your All Souls friends is most highly recommended!


22 December 2012 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (22 December 2012) at 11:00 AM for our Loving Others is Loving God worship service.

This worship service is a celebration of the Winter Holidays and our Fourth Source (Jewish and Christian Teachings that call us to respond to God’s love by loving our neighbors as ourselves).

Stay after the service for the All-Ages Holiday Party.

And remember to join us on Monday (24 December 2012) at 6:30 PM for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.


All-Ages Holiday Party (22 December 2012)

Join us on Sunday (22 December 2012 ) after our 11:00 AM worship service for our annual All-Ages Holiday Party.

Join us in the Social Hall after the service for games, crafts, snacks and fellowship.  This is a great opportunity to celebrate the season and make connections across the generations over glitter and glue, frosting and sprinkles, or an action-packed game of Dreidl!

Bring hearty snacks and finger foods (sandwiches, veggie trays, etc) and enjoy the celebration!


Don’t Forget the Mitten Tree!

With such warm weather up until very recently, it’s been easy to forget the Mitten Tree.  But this recent cold snap reminds us of the children in our community who can use some warm mittens, scarves and other outerwear in the winter months.

As we do each year, we are collecting these items for the children of Providence House.  Inexpensive yet warm mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves are available just about everywhere, including some grocery stores!

Pick some up when you are out and help make our mitten tree a true thing of beauty!

Please bring your Mitten Tree contributions by 23 December 2012.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Please join us on Monday (24 December 2012) at 6:30 PM for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

Our traditional service features a reading of the Christmas Story from the book of Luke, music from the All Souls Choir, and special guest musicians (Sally Hundemer, Cynthia Diaczynsky, Tom Hundemer, and Charlie Caldwell).

Please bring the children to church by 6:00 PM to prepare for the “12 Days of Christmas.”  All children, including guests, are welcome to participate.


16 December 2012 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (16 December 2012) at 11:00 AM for “Darkness and Light and All the Fixings” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  This service will also feature the music of Twang Darkly and the All Souls Choir.

Please note that Twang Darkly will be selling copies of their new album (Mojo Fix) after the service.

Stay after the service for the Congregational Meeting beginning at 12:30 PM.

During the meeting, the children and youth (with adult help) will be wrapping the gifts for the children of Community Support.  Be sure to bring those in by this Sunday if at all possible, and no later than Wednesday morning, when we will wrap the remainder.


“Immigration as a Moral Issue” – All Souls Board Asking for Your Inputs

In June 2010, General Assembly (GA) delegates from UU congregations across the nation selected “Immigration as a Moral Issue” for our denominational study/action issue from 2010 through 2014.

Much of this social justice work has been distilled into a draft Statement of Conscience that will be voted upon by the 2013 GA delegates.  However, the UUA has also provided opportunities for congregations to comment on the draft statement before it is voted upon at GA. Continue reading ““Immigration as a Moral Issue” – All Souls Board Asking for Your Inputs”
