
Help Support PACE’s 4th Annual Gay and Lesbian Film Festival

Your Donation to help All Souls co-sponsor the PACE 4th Annual North Louisiana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival just got easier.

2014 NW Louisiana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival

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“Be Fair Shreveport” Business Forum

How can Shreveport attract the “creative class” of knowledge-based workers?

Come find out on Wednesday (20 June 2012) at 5:30 PM at CoHabitat (610 Commerce Street, Shreveport, Louisiana).

Be Fair Shreveport

A panel of experts will discuss how Shreveport can become more economically competitive in a global economy.

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17 June 2012 Worship Service — Reflections on Father’s Day

Please join us this Sunday (17 June 2012) at 11:00 AM for “Reflections on Father’s Day” with Jonathan Gibson, Steve Caldwell, and Phil Boswell.

Join us to hear from three of our members at three different stages on the joyful and challenging journey of fatherhood.

Renee Boswell (Phil’s daughter) is the worship associate for this service.

In the Religious Education Wing, the Seven Principle Summer continues as the 2nd – 5th Graders learn about the First Principle — celebrating The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person (“Every person is important and valuable”).

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10 June 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (10 June 2012) for our 11:00 AM worship service.

Adrienne Critcher of PACE (People Acting for Change and Equality) is in the pulpit this Sunday with her message “Celebrating Pride:  Be Fair Shreveport — Make Us All Proud!”

PACE and the Forum for Equality have begun a campaign promoting non-discrimination in local employment practices.  Come learn more about this campaign as we celebrate bisexual, gay, lesbian,  and transgender pride.

We will also have a second offering collection for All Souls’ co-sponsorship of PACE’s Fourth Annual Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.

Interweave Meeting This Sunday

The All Souls Chapter of Interweave will meet at 12:30 PM following Sunday (10 June 2012) worship service.

Interweave is a Unitarian Universalist organization for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender persons and their allies.

All Souls Interweave meets on the second Sunday of each month after the 11:00 AM worship service.  All interested and supportive persons are welcome.  For more information, contact Pamela Raintree at 318-946-0367.

Building and Grounds Work Day

Please join us this Saturday (9 June 2012) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our building and grounds work day

There are many ways to serve the church and to build community with other church members and friends as you serve.

One way is to come to a building and grounds work day.

Beyond the basic lawn service, all the work of our grounds is done by members and friends.

We have chores for all skill levels — even “0” skill level — inside and outside.  And we always have a lot of fun.  Sometimes,we have so much fun that we forget we are working!

Email Patrick Early to find out the plan for this session.

If you can’t stay and work, but want to show appreciation in the form of breakfast, snacks, or lunch for the workers, please let Patrick know that too.

It’s Tie Dye Sunday

Please join us this Sunday (10 June 2012) in the Religious Education Wing for “Tie Dye Sunday.”  Every year on the Sunday before Father’s Day, we have an opportunity our children to make special tie dye items for dads and other special grown-ups in their lives.

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“Saturday Gang” — June 2012 Volunteers of the Month

It has been said that some things are better when done with others and the “Saturday Gang” proves this.  They are at most every Building and Grounds Day.  They work hard and with enthusiasm.  They appear to enjoy doing it.  Who are the “Saturday Gang”?

They are the children and youth of All Souls in particular Grant, Gretchen, and Mason Upton plus Eleanora and Andrew Lawrence.

Their example is one that the Council would like to acknowledge so we recognize the “Saturday Gang” as our June 2012 Volunteers of the Month.

3 June 2012 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (3 June 2012) at 11:00 AM for our worship service.

Rev. Barbara Jarrell is in the pulpit this Sunday for the last time before her summer vacation and study break.  The All Souls Choir will sing and we will also take a moment in the service to recognize the dedicated volunteers who teach in our Religious Education program.

Camp Forbing Challenge Course for Youth This Sunday

Please join us this Sunday (3 June 2012) at 9:00 AM for the All Souls Middle and High School Youth Camp Forbing Challenge Course

The course includes both a high and low ropes course — great for building self-confidence in the individual and community within the group.

All events on the course are “challenge by choice” so youth can choose the level of challenge they wish to pursue in a safe, encouraging environment

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