
Basic Enneagram Workshop — 27-28 January 2012

The workshop is scheduled for Friday, 27 January 2012 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM and Saturday, 28 January 2012 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

The Enneagram is a holistic approach to spiritual growth and an extraordinarily useful aid in better understanding ourselves and those who are important to us.  It explains why we can instantly bond with some people yet never really get along with others.

The Enneagram is a powerful “pair of glasses” which makes it possible for us to see ourselves and others with unique clarity.

The Basic Enneagram Workshop will:

  • Give a greater understanding of the motivation that prompts our behavior
  • Help us recognize our gifts and the gifts of others
  • Reveal the traps that can turn our gifts into compulsions
  • Show us our automatic and unconscious compulsions
  • Point out the directions we need to take to integrate our three energy systems-head, heart, and instincts


  • Mickie Cowan — Chaplain at Live Oak Retirement Community in Shreveport, studied at the Jung Institute in Switzerland
  • Maria O’Brien — Jungian-based psychotherapist and certified spiritual director in Fredericksburg TX, and co-author of Beyond the Castle’s Doors-A Soul Quest for the Holy Grail
  • Matt Woollett — Retreat Leader for Men’s Matters and is Chaplain at Hospice Compassus in Alexandria LA.

The $85.00 registration fee includes all workshop materials, lunch on Saturday and snacks.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Please join us on Saturday (24 December 2011) at 6:30 PM for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

Plan to come early for special music.

Children and youth should be there by 6:00 PM to prepare for the Twelve Days of Christmas.  Older youth and young adults who’ve grown up in the church are also welcome to join them, and to help out with the little ones.

Our traditional Christmas Eve candle light service, featuring a reading of the Christmas Story, special music from the All Souls Choir and guest musicians Joshua Pepper, Bob Jordan, Sally Horak Hundemer, Robert Smith, Tom Hundemer and Charlie Caldwell, and of course, carols in the growing light of the candles in the darkened sanctuary.

Please stay afterward for a brief and informal reception in the social hall.  Bring those extra cookies and other goodies that you don’t want lying around the house!

Patrick Early — December 2011 Volunteer of the Month

The word for this month is energetic.  Patrick’s high level of energy can be seen in his work on the Buildings and Grounds committee, his service on the Council, his substitution service in the office, and his creative work for the Fund-raising Committee.

In the short time he has been a member, he has made his presence felt. For these reasons, the Council selects Patrick Early as the Volunteer of the Month.

Worship for Sunday, 18 December 2011 — And Cookie Exchange!!

Please join us this Sunday at our 11:00 AM Worship Service — “Love and Light: A Celebration of Christmas, Hanukkah and Yule.” Join us for stories and songs of the season from the children, youth and adults of All Souls. Stay afterward for the All-Ages Holiday Party and Cookie Swap after our worship service.

Continue reading “Worship for Sunday, 18 December 2011 — And Cookie Exchange!!”

Help for Lisa Harper and Her Family

Lisa Harper (who has signed the Steppingstones Book and has been on the path to membership) experienced a tragic house fire on Sunday evening. Lisa and her two children are OK, but sadly, her fiancé, Dennis Perry, died of smoke inhalation. We ask that you keep Lisa and her children in your thoughts and prayers, and to put those prayers into action to the extent you are able.

The family has lost everything. They are currently staying with a friend, but are looking for a place to stay, long-term. In the meantime, they are in need of just about everything. Although they have already received enough children’s clothing, Lisa herself can use pants, Size 12, shoes, Size 10 and shirts in Large or X-Large, depending on how they run. You can bring the clothing to the church.

Later on, when they have a place to stay, they will need all kinds of household supplies, including pots and pans, dishes and silverware, bed linens and towels, and all the things that go into reestablishing a household. Please wait for notification of where to bring those items at the appropriate time.

You can also send monetary contributions for the family:

Bank of Ringgold
C/O Lisa Harper
PO Box 628
Ringgold LA  71068.

If you happen to be in Ringgold, the physical address is 2369 Mill Street.  The phone number of the bank is (318) 894-9134.

Thank you in advance for whatever you can do.

Worship for Sunday, 11 December 2011

This Sunday at our 11:00 AM Worship Service, Rev. Barbara Jarrell will be in the pulpit, the All Souls Choir will sing, and the service will feature special music from Buddy Flett and Tim Brogan.

Stay afterward for the year-end Congregational Meeting.  And don’t forget the Bake Sale.

Continue reading “Worship for Sunday, 11 December 2011”

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Please join us on Saturday, 24 December 2011, at 6:30 PM for our Christmas Eve service.

Our traditional candle light service, including a reading of the Christmas story as well as carols and special music from the All Souls choir and guest musicians Bob Jordan, Sally Horak Hundemer, Robert Smith, Tom Hundemer and Charlie Caldwell.

See the year’s most beautiful view through the sanctuary window, when the single light of the chalice grows to illuminate the faces of our church community by candle light.

Stay aftereward for a brief reception in the Social Hall. Bring those extra Christmas goodies you don’t want lying around the house.