
Exploratory Committee Appointed

The All Souls Board has appointed a 10-member committee to explore all options for the geographical future of our congregation.

On the heels of the recent erosion repair and the capital campaign that financed it, we have some time now to begin a thoughtful conversation on the issues of staying in our current location and preserving and adapting it to suit our mission or moving to another space that may serve us more effectively.

Continue reading “Exploratory Committee Appointed”

Youth Classes to See Bully

On Wednesday (30 May 2012), the Middle School and High School Classes will see Bully at the Robinson Film Center (617 Texas Street).  Please meet us between 7:00 and 7:15 PM in the lobby at the Robinson.  And please contact Susan Caldwell (318-465-3398) if you need transportation.

Continue reading “Youth Classes to See Bully

Two Opportunities to Work The Highland Blessing Dinner

On Thursday (31 May 2012) and Thursday (7 June 2012),  please join us at The Highland Center (520 Olive Street — Corner of Olive and Highland) at 6:00 PM to work with us for the Highland Blessing Dinner.

If you are volunteering, please be there no later than 5:15 PM.

For those who may not have heard, a partnership of eight congregations is working together to feed people every Thursday evening.  All Souls’ first Highland Blessing Dinner on 3 May 2012 was a tremendous success.  We will continue to work the dinner on the first Thursday of each month, in partnership with Kings Highway Christian Church.

Additionally, the partner congregations have determined to share the load when there is a fifth Sunday, hence the opportunity to work this Thursday (31 May 2012) in addition to 7 June 2012.

Want to know more about the joy of working at a Blessing Dinner?

Continue reading “Two Opportunities to Work The Highland Blessing Dinner”

27 May 2012 Memorial Day Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (27 May 2012) at 11:00 AM for our Memorial Day Worship Service.  We remember those lost as we honor those who serve.

The All Souls Choir will sing, and — in the Religious Education Wing — the Children and Youth will write letters and cards to troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We will also be collecting items to give to Operation Support Our Troops — a local organization that collects and packages a wide variety of useful items to send to our deployed service members.  Feel free to check out this Wish List and bring any of the items in question.  We will have a box in the Social Hall to collect them.

After the worship service, we will have our congregational business meeting.

20 May 2012 Affirmation Sunday Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (20 May 2012) at 11:00 AM for “The Many Ways We Pray” — our annual “Affirmation Sunday” worship service.

This service is a time to honor the transitions of our children and youth, an ingathering of new members, and the bridging and senior sermon of our graduating senior Thomas Ratcliff.  The All Souls Choir will sing.

Following the service, we will have a potluck in honor of Thomas and our new members.  We will also have a Newcomer Information Session after the service.

Next Sunday (27 May 2012) — Rev. Barbara Jarrell will be in the pulpit for our Memorial Day worship service.  After the service, we will have our Congregational Meeting.

13 May 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (13 May 2012) at 11:00 AM for our Mothers’ Day worship service.  Rev. Barbara Jarrell is in the pulpit and the All Souls Choir will sing.

Next Sunday (20 May 2012), we celebrate Affirmation Sunday where we honor the transitions of our children and youth, an ingathering ceremony for our new members, and the bridging of our graduating senior, Thomas Ratcliff.

Building and Grounds Work Day — Saturday, 12 May 2012

Please join us on Saturday (12 May 2012) for our monthly Building and Grounds Work Day.

While some will be working on a project to make the new flume inaccessible to misadventure, there will be other tasks both inside and outside for all ages and abilities.

Come join us in working together on maintaining our church home.  It is a great way to get to know people better and bond with your church community!

6 May 2012 Worship Service

This Sunday (6 May 2012) at 11:00 AM, please join us for “Companions for the Journey” — our quarterly series featuring reflections from our members on the spiritual journeys that brought them to our doors and the reasons they stay.

We will hear from Sarah Boswell, Bennett Upton, and Ron Thurston. The All Souls Choir will sing as well.

Next Sunday (13 May 2012), Rev. Barbara Jarrell returns to the pulpit.

All Souls Choir — May 2012 Volunteer of the Month

Our choice for the May 2012 Volunteer of the Month is a harmonious team.

They have entertained us and made a definite spiritual impact on us.  It is no wonder because are led by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.  They prove that we are greater together than we are separately.

In addition to the multi-talented Rev. Jarrell, the choir currently consists of:

  • Sopranos: Sam Adams, Renee Boswell, Pamela Carlisle, Danette Moore
  • Altos: Susan Caldwell, Maryanne Cummings, Katie Drew, Virginia Villarreal
  • Tenors: Gail Burt, Bob Jordan, Terry McNeil, Pamela Raintree
  • Basses: Phil Boswell, Rick Carlisle, Richard Denton.

The Volunteer of the Month parking space will be available to the first choir member to arrive at church on Sunday (a plot to encourage early attendance … of course not).

Announcement of Congregational Meeting (27 May 2012)

  • From:  Virginia Villarreal (All Souls Board Secretary)
  • To:  All Members, Inactive Members and Friends:

In accordance with the bylaws of our church and as secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, 27 May 2012, at 12:30 PM in the sanctuary.


  1. Read and approve Minutes of last Congregational Meeting
  2. Elect four Board Members for 2012- 2013
  3. Inform the congregation on the steps taken by the Board to study our options regarding the future of the building.

Though all are welcome to attend, our bylaws stipulate that only members who have been active members for 30 days or longer may vote.  We must have a quorum.  Childcare will be provided.