12 August 2012 Worship Service

Please join this Sunday (12 August 2012) for our 11:00 AM worship service.  This week’s service is our annual Water Communion Service.

Please bring a small container of water from your summer experiences or travels — whether far away or right in your own backyard.  We will briefly share our stories as we come together to join our waters into a common bowl.

Each year, we boil, filter and freeze this water and add it to water from preceding years for use at child dedications and other water rituals throughout the church year.

The theme of water continues after the service with our annual End-of-Summer Swim Party and Potluck at the home of Laurie Lyons and Henry Walker (441 Drexel Drive, Shreveport LA).

Laurie and Henry are once again graciously opening their home to the congregation.  Follow the link to a map or pick up a map and directions in the foyer at church.  All ages, long-time members and first-time visitors are all welcome.

Bring your swimsuits to church that day, bring a dish to share, and join us at Laurie and Henry’s after the worship service for a different kind of “water communion.”  Non-swimmers are also welcome too.

Burgers, hot dogs, and veggie burgers and dogs and the trimmings will be provided by the Religious Education Committee.

Be a Guest Columnist in the July Newsletter

In the May 2012 newsletter, Susan Caldwell (All Souls Director of Religious Education) asked you to consider sharing your personal spiritual story, your beliefs and ideas about this life, and perhaps some of the experiences that brought you to this stage of your journey.

Continue reading “Be a Guest Columnist in the July Newsletter”

Camp Forbing Challenge Course for Youth This Sunday

Please join us this Sunday (3 June 2012) at 9:00 AM for the All Souls Middle and High School Youth Camp Forbing Challenge Course

The course includes both a high and low ropes course — great for building self-confidence in the individual and community within the group.

All events on the course are “challenge by choice” so youth can choose the level of challenge they wish to pursue in a safe, encouraging environment

Continue reading “Camp Forbing Challenge Course for Youth This Sunday”

Exploratory Committee Appointed

The All Souls Board has appointed a 10-member committee to explore all options for the geographical future of our congregation.

On the heels of the recent erosion repair and the capital campaign that financed it, we have some time now to begin a thoughtful conversation on the issues of staying in our current location and preserving and adapting it to suit our mission or moving to another space that may serve us more effectively.

Continue reading “Exploratory Committee Appointed”

27 May 2012 Memorial Day Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (27 May 2012) at 11:00 AM for our Memorial Day Worship Service.  We remember those lost as we honor those who serve.

The All Souls Choir will sing, and — in the Religious Education Wing — the Children and Youth will write letters and cards to troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We will also be collecting items to give to Operation Support Our Troops — a local organization that collects and packages a wide variety of useful items to send to our deployed service members.  Feel free to check out this Wish List and bring any of the items in question.  We will have a box in the Social Hall to collect them.

After the worship service, we will have our congregational business meeting.

Announcement of Congregational Meeting (27 May 2012)

  • From:  Virginia Villarreal (All Souls Board Secretary)
  • To:  All Members, Inactive Members and Friends:

In accordance with the bylaws of our church and as secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, 27 May 2012, at 12:30 PM in the sanctuary.


  1. Read and approve Minutes of last Congregational Meeting
  2. Elect four Board Members for 2012- 2013
  3. Inform the congregation on the steps taken by the Board to study our options regarding the future of the building.

Though all are welcome to attend, our bylaws stipulate that only members who have been active members for 30 days or longer may vote.  We must have a quorum.  Childcare will be provided.

Capital Fund Drive Success!

With a goal of $30,000 and only 6 weeks to attain that goal, we outdid ourselves by donating a total of $58,865 for repairs and construction required for the immediate erosion problems.  It was because of the generosity and dedication of our members and friends that we were able to achieve such a result.

Work has been completed for the immediate repairs and plans are underway to begin the topography and erosion reports necessary to determine a plan of action for erosion control throughout the church property.

The money raised that will not be used for this project (approximately $28,000) will be set aside in the savings account and will be used sparingly and with full disclosure to the congregation.

[Submitted by Laurie Lyons — All Souls Treasurer]

Erosion Repair Contractor Meeting — Saturday, 7 April 2012 at 12:00 PM

On 22 March 2012, the Board voted to accept the proposal by Ronald G. Carlson Inc. for the work to control the growing erosion gully which has been threatening the sanctuary foundation.

The successful bid is a proposal for a collection box to be located where the collapsed sidewalk segment was, which will then feed water into an open topped concrete flume (basically, a shallow, open topped concrete lined trough) that will run down the slope to an outflow near the bayou.

Additionally, a concrete curb will be cast in place on the lawn side of the sidewalk along the northwest side of the sanctuary to contain and control the run-off of water from the roof downspouts. Due to the soil character and steepness of the slope the work will be almost entirely hand labor.

Mr. Carlson has agreed to come and discuss the project in detail with board members and all interested parties on Saturday, 7 April 2012, at 12:00 PM.

Continue reading “Erosion Repair Contractor Meeting — Saturday, 7 April 2012 at 12:00 PM”

Emerson Award to Lady Carlson — 18 March 2012

Please join us this Sunday (18 March 2012) at our 11:00 AM worship service where we will present the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award to Lady Carlson (Organizer for Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith).  Ms. Carlson will also be the speaker for this service.

The Emerson Award is presented each year to an individual or organization from the wider community whose work exemplifies the values and principles of liberal religion.

We honor Lady for her achievements in bringing people together across lines of race, religion, politics, economics and geography to work for meaningful change in our community, and for doing so with deep respect for all faith traditions, which she expresses in concert with her own abiding Christian faith.

We will have a reception for Lady following the service.  If you can bring finger foods (cookies, vegetable and fruit trays, nuts, mints, chips and dips, cheese and crackers, or your own fancy appetizer specialties) please contact Cherrie Groves Moussaoui or Amanda Lawrence.  They can also use help with set-up and clean-up.