13 May 2012 Worship Service

Please join us this Sunday (13 May 2012) at 11:00 AM for our Mothers’ Day worship service.  Rev. Barbara Jarrell is in the pulpit and the All Souls Choir will sing.

Next Sunday (20 May 2012), we celebrate Affirmation Sunday where we honor the transitions of our children and youth, an ingathering ceremony for our new members, and the bridging of our graduating senior, Thomas Ratcliff.

Interdependence Day Worship — 11:00 AM – Sunday, 15 April 2012

Please join us at 11:00 AM on Sunday, 15 April 2012 to celebrate our pillar on Peace, Social Justice and the Interdependent Web.

The children, youth and adults of All Souls will explore the many ways we practice the Seventh Principle in our relationship to the Earth and to each other.

The All Souls Choir will sing, and this is also your last opportunity to hear Joshua Pepper at the piano before he leaves Shreveport.  Please come to be with us to enjoy the music and wish Joshua well.

Next week (22 April 2012) is Earth Day and Reverend Barbara Jarrell will be in the pulpit.

11:00 AM Easter Worship Service — Sunday, 8 April 2012

This Sunday (8 April 2012) at 11:00 AM, please join us for our Easter Worship Service with Rev. Barbara Jarrell in the pulpit this morning.  The All Souls Choir will sing with Joshua Pepper at the piano.

At the end of the service, we will offer a communion ritual that is inclusive and welcoming of all spiritual paths, although those still not wishing to participate are given an opportunity to leave.

Following the service, all children are invited to participate in our annual Easter Egg Hunt.  See below for the details.

Continue reading “11:00 AM Easter Worship Service — Sunday, 8 April 2012”

Iron-Jawed Angels — Thursday, 15 March 2012

Please join us this Thursday (15 March 2012) at 7:00 PM for a screening of the film Iron-Jawed Angels.

If you missed the League of Women Voters showing of this film a few weeks ago, you will get another chance to see it.

Hilary Swank and Frances O’Connor, as suffragist activists Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, lead an outstanding cast in this remarkable retelling of the true story of the the struggle to attain the vote for women between 1912 and the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.  Director Katja von Garnier’s use of modern music and camera technique turns the whole idea of a “period piece” on its head. She truly brings home the power of what these women accomplished, and what they endured in the process.

Free of charge and open to the public.  Light snacks provided.

Child care available upon request.  If you are coming, please RSVP by calling the church at 318-868-3313 or by emailing Susan Caldwell.  Let us know at that time if you will need child care.

Please Note — High school youth are welcome and encouraged to attend accompanied by a parent or with parental permission.  This film has no MPAA rating because it wasn’t released for screening in movie theaters (it was created for HBO and was broadcast on cable TV).  There are some strong scenes of violence, particularly when the women are imprisoned and force-fed, as well as brief nudity and sexuality.  A rough guess for a rating would be somewhere between PG-13 and R based on the webmaster’s memory of this film.  The international movie content ratings for this film can be found online here in case you need additional information for making this decision.

Enneagram II: Spirituality and Integration (“Now that I have my number, what do I do with it?”)

In learning to observe ourselves, we create the opportunity of consciously choosing our behavior and thereby living more effectively.  The Enneagram can be extremely valuable in learning how not to identify with our personality.  By naming and releasing the contrary forces of our personality, we are able to see ourselves and let go of what is enticing us away from a fuller, more authentic life.  Understanding the levels of Integration and Disintegration for our particular personality type is a valuable tool for growth.  They show us what we will encounter on the way to either health and wholeness or neurosis.

Friday (9 March 2012) — 6:45 PM to 9:15 PM (Registration begins at 6:30 PM)

Saturday (10 March 2012) — 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Spirituality and Integration Enneagram workshop includes:

  • Appropriate and Inappropriate Uses of Energy Centers
  • Paths of Disintegration (Destructive Ways) and Integration (Wholeness)
  • Overcoming Compulsions
  • Traps and Holy Ideas
  • Conversion for Each Enneagram Number

Prerequisite is attendance at a Basic Enneagram Workshop or a fairly good grasp of Enneagram theory from reading and a pretty good idea of what your Enneagram number might be.

About the Presenters

The presenters have many years of experience conducting workshops and seminars.

  • Mickie Cowan, studied at Jung Institute in Switzerland and is Chaplain at Live Oak Retirement Community in Shreveport LA.
  • Maria O’Brien, Jungian-based psychotherapist, certified spiritual director and co-author of Beyond the Castles Doors-A Soul Quest for the Holy Grail in Fredericksburg TX.
  • Matt Woollett, is an Episcopal Priest, Retreat Leader for Men’s Matters and is Chaplain at Hospice Compassus in Alexandria LA.
  • Peggy Hamiter has received training at Enneagram Institute and is Administrator for Enneagram For Life (LLC).

Registration fee is $85.00 per person. The fee includes all workshop materials, refreshments, and lunch on Saturday. To register, send your name, address, email and phone number, along with a check made out to Enneagram for Life, to the following address:

Enneagram for Life, (LLC), Attn: Peggy Hamiter
3427 Beverly Place
Shreveport, LA 71105.

You may also pre-register by phone with a VISA or Mastercard by calling Susan Caldwell at the church office at (318) 868-3313.

Check-in will begin on Friday evening (9 March 2012) at 6:30 PM.

Cursos de Español para la Justicia (Spanish Course for Justice) Resumes 28 February 2012

The Spanish Class will resume this Tuesday (28 February 2012) at 6:00 PM

If you would still like to join the class, please speak to Virginia Villarreal to determine what you will need to do to catch up.  If you’ve been thinking about joining the class, now is the time!!!

19 February 2012 Worship Service

The 11:00 AM worship service for Sunday (19 February 2012) is “Inspired by the World.”

Children, youth and adults of the church will present stories, readings and music in a service in celebration of our Third Source:

Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life.

Learning the stories and teachings of other traditions is another way of learning more about our own, as we explore the way these stories relate to and reinforce our Unitarian Universalist Principles and values.

Cursos de Español para la Justicia — Spanish Course for Justice!

We are two weeks into the course — our third class meeting is 28 February 2012.

There is no class on 21 February 2012 because of the Board and Council Meeting.  But if you would still like to join us, order your book from Amazon and speak to Virginia Villarreal about what you will need to do to catch up.

If you have not had Spanish before, you may have difficulty joining us after 28 February 2012 and may want to consider waiting until the course is offered again.

“Social Darwinism” Brown Bag Discussion — Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Please join us for “Social Darwinism is Alive and Well in America – And What Can We Do About It?” by Dr. Robert Jordan, Ph.D. this Wednesday (22 February 2012) from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Psychologist Dr. Bob Jordan explores the idea that some people in power who profess not to believe in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution still seem to have no problem subscribing to “Survival of the Fittest” as a way to run a society.

Bring your lunch and bring your friends. As always, the Brown Bag is free of charge and open to all.