
Online Adult Religious Education — 1 August 2021

Please join us on Sunday (1 August 2021) at 9:00 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.

We have completed our White Fragility book study group using the book by Robin DiAngelo.

Continuing our focus on living into the Eighth Principle, we will view and discuss two videos from Emmanuel Acho’s video podcast “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man.”

His book by the same name grew out of this podcast series.

We will be viewing “Uncomfortable Conversations with the NFL” — Emmanuel Acho’s conversation with Roger Goodell (Commissioner of the National Football League – NFL).

They’ll be talking about the movement among players in the NFL and other sports leagues to engage in peaceful protest during the National Anthem.

The conversation is in two parts.

We will all watch and discuss both videos together on Sunday.

Feel free to watch ahead and make notes on the points that most interest you that you want to discuss in the group.


Dialogue on Race — August 2021 Give-Away-The-Plate Recipient

Our August 2021 Give-Away-the-Plate recipient Shreveport YWCA’s  Dialogue on Race program in memory of Thomas Ratcliff.

Dialogue on Race is a program of structured weekly conversations in small groups of 10-15 people under the guidance of two trained facilitators who endeavor to create a safe environment for open and honest dialogue on specific questions around the issue of race.

Many of our members have been through the program and several are facilitators.

We dedicate our gift to the memory of Thomas Ratcliff who grew up in our church and was tragically killed in an apartment fire on 25 June 2021.

John Ratcliff (father of Thomas Ratcliff) is a Dialogue on Race facilitator.

John and his wife Joy have designated Dialogue on Race as one of the causes that would best honor Thomas’s memory.

Two ways to donate:

OnlineGo to our donation site using this link.  If you are paying your pledge, select “2021 Pledges” and enter that amount for your pledge contribution.  Then select “Collection Plate” to give the amount you would like to give to Dialogue on Race.  All online collection plate contributions for the month of August 2021 will go to Dialogue on Race.

Offline — Please send your give away the plate contribution checks to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106.  Please put “Dialogue on Race” on the memo line of the check if  you want to have 100% of this check go to Dialogue on Race.  If you want less than 100% of the check to go to Dialogue on Race, please put the amount you want going to Dialogue on Race on the memo line.


No Online Religious Education for Children on 1 August 2021 — Next Event TBA

Our Sunday afternoon Zoom religious education class for children will take a break on 1 August 2021.

As the COVID-19 Delta variant continues to spread in our community and seems to affect children more seriously, we are trying to be mindful in our planning of outdoor activities (taking into account the Louisiana summertime heat as well).

Watch our website and the All Souls Religious Education Facebook Group for updates on opportunities for our children to get together.


First Sunday Food Pantry Day (1 August 2021)

Melissa Lewis will be at the church parking lot this Sunday afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00 PM to collect food and other items for the Noel United Methodist Church Food Pantry.

For this month, they are requesting travel size toiletries (shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, deodorant, and toothbrushes) – no mouthwash please.

They are also requesting breakfast cereal (any size).


Meditation with Larry Androes (31 July 2021)

Please join us on Saturday (31 July 2021) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.


25 July 2021 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 25 July 2021 worship video here.


Online All-Ages Worship (25 July 2021)

Please join us on Sunday (25 July 2021) at 11:00 AM for “Only What We Know” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Our service will be livestreamed on Facebook Live here.

Watch for our weekly email announcements for info on the next in-person worship service and other opportunities to gather in smaller groups in person.  You can sign up for these announcements using this link.

Our July 2021 give-away-the-plate recipient is Shreveport Green.

We will have a  virtual coffee hour after the service on Zoom.

While we are remaining physically distant, we want to know how you are doing, what you need, and what you are interested in.  You can let us know using these online surveys.

And you can contribute to All Souls using this online resource.


No Online Religious Education for Children on 25 July 2021 — Next Event TBA

Our Sunday afternoon Zoom religious education class for children will take a break on 25 July 2021.

We had originally planned a collage art activity for this Sunday but we are postponing this until August 2021 due to illness (no COVID — just a minor illness for our guest presenter that we don’t want to spread to our children).

As the COVID-19 Delta variant continues to spread in our community and seems to affect children more seriously, we are trying to be mindful in our planning of outdoor activities (taking into account the Louisiana summertime heat as well).

Watch our website and the All Souls Religious Education Facebook Group for updates on opportunities for our children to get together.


Together Louisiana Meeting with Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (28 July 2021)

Please join us and other Together Louisiana church and community leaders around the state for a conversation with Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards.

The conversation will happen over Zoom on Wednesday (28 July 2021) at 1:00 PM.

Click here to register if you want to attend.

The meeting is an opportunity for us to strengthen our relationship with Gov. Edwards and collaborate with his administration to shift our state’s trajectory concerning environmental policy, fair taxes, and criminal justice reform.

Please share this link with others and encourage them to attend.
