
Zoom Lunch (24 June 2020)

Please join us next Wednesday (24 June 2020) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

This a chance to connect and catch up midweek.

At some point we may decide to bring in speakers but for now we’re just hanging out and enjoying each other’s virtual company.

Hope to see you there!


Great Decisions Group Meeting Tonight (20 June 2020)

The Great Decisions Group is meeting online on Saturday night  (20 June 2020) at 6:00 PM.

Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs, sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association.

If you are interested in being a part of the group, email Melodie here and she will send you the link for the meeting.


14 June 2020 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 14 June 2020 worship video here.


Online All-Ages Worship (14 June 2020)

Please join us on Sunday (14 June 2020) at 11:00 AM for “Inequity is Our Iniquity” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Our service will be livestreamed on Facebook Live here.

Our Second Principle calls us to affirm and promote “justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.”

How are we living into that?

Also click the picture to learn more about the ten books listed above which are a good start for your reading list if you are ready to work or want to learn more about dismantling racism and white supremacy culture.

While we are remaining physically distant, we want to know how you are doing, what you need, and what you are interested in.  You can let us know using these online surveys.

And you can contribute to All Souls using this online resource.


Online Religious Education for Children and Youth (14 June 2020)

Please join us for our online religious education for children and youth this Sunday (14 June 2020) — we will start this online Zoom classroom about 5 minutes after our worship service is over.

The Zoom link  for this group will be found on the All Souls Religious Education Facebook Group.

If you aren’t on Facebook, send Susan an email or text Susan at 318-465-3427 and she will send you the Zoom link for the session.

We are back this week to explore the 8th principle that has been proposed as an addition to the existing UU principles:

We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

It’s a lot of words but we’ll take the time to take those words apart and find out what they really mean. 


Online Adult Religious Education — 14 June 2020

Please join us on Sunday (14 June 2020) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.

We will be continuing Faith Forward:  Spiritual Practice with “Session 7 — Worship and Ritual.”

We’ll look at how we approach our weekly worship as a spiritual practice and how that might change in our current virtual setting.

We’ll also examine the role of ritual in our communal and individual lives.


New UU Class Closing Session 14 June 2020

The “New UU” adult religious education class will be meeting this Sunday (14 June 2020) at 1:00 PM via Zoom.

Bennett is once again offering this class for new and not-so-new members alike.

Bennett is once again offering this class for new and not-so-new members alike.

As a member of a congregation, the power within our faith tradition lies with you.

Today’s session explores the rights and responsibilities of holding that power.

If you’re interested, email Bennett and he will send you a link to join the class.


Zoom Lunch (17 June 2020)

Please join us next Wednesday (17 June 2020) at 12 noon for our weekly Zoom lunch.

Bring your lunch and meet up with your All Souls friends, have lunch, and just catch up.

This a chance to connect and catch up midweek.

At some point we may decide to bring in speakers but for now we’re just hanging out and enjoying each other’s virtual company.

Hope to see you there!


Great Decisions Group Meeting Tonight (13 June 2020)

The Great Decisions Group is meeting online on Saturday night  (13 June 2020) at 6:00 PM.

Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs, sponsored by the Foreign Policy Association.

If you are interested in being a part of the group, email Melodie here and she will send you the link for the meeting.


7 June 2020 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 7 June 2020 worship video here.
