
New UU Class Begins 12 April 2020

If you want to know more about Unitarian Universalism, “The New UU” class for adults begins this Sunday (12 April 2020) at 1:00 PM via Zoom.

All Souls Board President Bennett Upton will facilitate this class via Zoom.

If you’re interested, email Bennett and he will send you a link to join the class this Sunday.

Bennett is once again offering this class for new and not-so-new members alike.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the history, theology, and polity of Unitarian Universalism along with the history and unique character of our own congregation.


Online Adult Religious Education — 12 April 2020

Please join us on Sunday (12 April 2020) at 9:15 AM for our online adult religious education class “Human Rights in the Time of COVID-19 – Part 2” with facilitator Susan Caldwell (we will be meeting online via Zoom using this link).

We all need to stay in our homes to flatten the curve of the spreading COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and yet our activism is needed now more than ever.

We’ll look at updates from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Amnesty International, the Poor People’s Campaign, and the Industrial Areas Foundation for ways to stay engaged even as we stay home.

And we’ll check in to see how everyone is doing this week.

Please note this is a new link for the adult religious education class.

Because of security concerns, Zoom is now requiring a meeting ID and password for meetings.  If you are a regular (or even semi-regular) class participant, please use this link to join the adult religious education class.


5 April 2020 Worship Livestreaming Video

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, we have begun to broadcast a livestream video of our Sunday morning worship services.

This worship video will be available live and in recorded formats.

For our livestream video of our worship services, we are using Facebook Live.  One does not have to log into Facebook or have a Facebook account to view this video.

You can find the 5 April 2020 worship video here.


Online All-Ages Worship (5 April 2020)

Please join us online this Sunday (5 April 2020) at 11:00 AM for our online streaming worship service — “Reclaiming Our Stories” by Mollie Corbett.

The worship video will be available on the All Souls Facebook page (live streaming and recorded).

Mollie is the creator of “Outlier” — a unique multimedia arts installation and advocacy vehicle for survivors of sexual abuse and assault.

Continue reading “Online All-Ages Worship (5 April 2020)”


Online Religious Education for Children and Youth (5 April 2020)

Please join us for our online religious education for children and this Sunday (5 April 2020) — we will start this online Zoom classroom about 5 minutes after our worship service is over.

The Zoom link  for this group will be found on the All Souls Religious Education Facebook Group.

This Sunday: Every Person is Important and Valuable!

Continue reading “Online Religious Education for Children and Youth (5 April 2020)”


Online Middle School / High School Check-In (5 April 2020)

Please join us online today (Sunday, 5 April 2020) at 2:00 PM for our weekly middle and high school check-in.

We will be meeting online using this Zoom link.

Our middle and high school youth will meet Sunday afternoon for an online check-in with Noah Wagstaff and Susan Caldwell.

We’re trying this again, getting the word out a little more widely this time.

We’ll see how everyone is doing, and also think about some other ideas for keeping the group connected online during this time.

We hope to see you Sunday afternoon.


Louisiana Trans Advocates Meeting (5 April 2020)

On Sunday (5 April 2020) at 1:30 PM, the Shreveport chapter of Louisiana Trans Advocates  will meeting online via Zoom (information for this meeting can be found on the Shreveport LTA Facebook group).

The Shreveport chapter of Louisiana Trans Advocates (LTA) meets on the first Sunday of every month at 1:30 PM.

Before the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, Shreveport LTA would meet in the All Souls Social Hall.

Shreveport LTA is meeting online for the 5 April 2020 meeting in order to flatten the Coronavirus curve.

All transgender, non-binary, and gender-fluid individuals are welcome along their supportive family and friends.

This group provides social support as well as practical advice for people at all points on the spectrum of gender identity and sexual orientation.


Announcement — Special Virtual Congregational Meeting (19 April 2020)

Please watch your emails for notice of a Special Virtual Congregational Meeting beginning in the next few days and lasting through Sunday (19 April 2020) at 3 PM.

On the Agenda:

Application for a small business loan through the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) for the purpose of paying our employees through the time that COVID-19 (Coronavirus) restrictions are in place.

You will receive via email a form which will allow you to vote for or against this loan application.

You may vote upon receipt of the form.

Or if you have questions, you may pose those questions at any time between now and 19 April 2020 using the church’s Slack channel using #board-agenda tag.

We will also hold a meeting via Zoom on Sunday (19 April 2020) at 1 PM where you may ask questions of the Board using Zoom (we will supply a link for this before the Zoom meeting).

The deadline for voting will be on Sunday (19 April 2020) at 3 PM.


Online Adult Religious Education — 5 April 2020

Please join us on Sunday (5 April 2020) at 9:15 AM for our online adult religious education class “Human Rights in the Time of COVID-19” with facilitator Susan Caldwell (we will be meeting online via Zoom using this link).

We all need to stay in our homes to flatten the curve of the spreading COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and yet our activism is needed now more than ever.

We’ll look at updates from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Amnesty International, the Poor People’s Campaign, and the Industrial Areas Foundation for ways to stay engaged even as we stay home.

And we’ll check in to see how everyone is doing this week.

Please note this is a new link for the adult religious education class.

Because of security concerns, Zoom is now requiring a meeting ID and password for meetings.  If you are a regular (or even semi-regular) class participant, please use this link to join the adult religious education class.


Email Scammers Targeting All Souls Members

The scammers are at it again.

During the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, our congregants are once again receiving scam emails that are fraudulent and that claim to be sent from our minister Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

The first one arrives as as brief cursory email saying “email me right back.”

Many people, seeing such a message from the pastor, are inclined to do as asked.

Please do not!  Mark as spam and delete immediately.

If you missed the last round of scam warnings and have already responded to the first email and received the second asking for gift cards for cancer patients, coronavirus patients, anyone or any cause at all, do not send anything.

The fraudulent email sender may claim to be Rev. Jarrell or All Souls Board President Bennett Upton.

Rev. Jarrell and Bennett Upton did not send these emails.

These types of email are scams — please do not fall for the scam.

The Federal Trade Commission has more information on this type of scam on their web site.

Neither Rev. Jarrell nor anyone in congregational leadership at All Souls will ever ask you for money, gift cards, or anything like this for any reason.

We are grateful to the congregants who received it this time around and and took the time to let us know.

If you ever receive a pitch for donations that is not part of a pledge drive nor part of our monthly “Give Away the Plate” efforts, please do not reply to that address and do not send them anything.

Please do take the time to call, text, or email us at our legitimate email addresses and phone numbers which are available in all church materials and on our web site.
