
15 December 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (15 December 2019) at 11:00 AM for “The Soul Felt Its Worth” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We will continue our season of focus on the Jewish and Christian roots of Unitarian Universalism.

Look for the Mitten Tree this Sunday as well as an opportunity to pay tribute to loved ones by purchasing poinsettias for the sanctuary.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 15 December 2019

Please join us on Sunday (15 December 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education classes.  For this Sunday, you have choices:

  • The New UU –Bennett Upton, Facilitator
    New and not-so-new Unitarian Universalists will benefit from this comprehensive introduction to our faith tradition and our congregation. Hear stories from our history, and learn more about our covenantal Living Tradition in the here and now.  This Sunday — Session 5 — “How Are Decisions Made? Governance and Polity.”  This workshop explores the workings of a free congregation and the history of our movement behind it.
  • Understanding the Bible — Susan Caldwell, Facilitator
    Understanding the Bible provides an opportunity to engage with the scriptures and read them “against the grain.”  As our very tradition was born because our forebears took the initiative to do exactly that, often at the risk of their reputations and even their lives, it’s only right that we take on for ourselves the right and privilege of doing so.  This week — Session 4 — “Exodus.”  We look at the story of Moses, what it meant to the people who told it and the people who heard it, and the ways we find ourselves in the story.

Building and Grounds Work Day — 14 December 2019

Please join us this Saturday (14 December 2019) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Other than routine cleaning and yard work, the tasks of maintaining the physical space of our congregational home belong to us — the members and friends of All Souls.

We will have tasks for all ages and all levels of ability.

Stay for an hour or two, or the whole time.

If you can’t stay, consider dropping off some snacks or lunch for the crew.


8 December 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (8 December 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Two Notions of God and Their Effect on Movements” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

We continue our season of focus on the Jewish and Christian roots of Unitarian Universalism.

Look for the Mitten Tree this Sunday as well as an opportunity to pay tribute to loved ones by purchasing poinsettias for the sanctuary.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 8 December 2019

Please join us on Sunday (8 December 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education classes.  For this Sunday, you have choices:

  • The New UU –Bennett Upton, Facilitator
    New and not-so-new Unitarian Universalists will benefit from this comprehensive introduction to our faith tradition and our congregation. Hear stories from our history, and learn more about our covenantal Living Tradition in the here and now.  This Sunday — Session 5 — “How Are Decisions Made?  Governance and Polity.”  This workshop explores the workings of a free congregation and the history of our movement behind it.
  • Understanding the Bible — Susan Caldwell, Facilitator
    Understanding the Bible provides an opportunity to engage with the scriptures and read them “against the grain.”  As our very tradition was born because our forebears took the initiative to do exactly that, often at the risk of their reputations and even their lives, it’s only right that we take on for ourselves the right and privilege of doing so.  This week — Session 3 — “Generations” — The story of Abraham (including the Akedah, The Binding of Isaac).  This is a story that horrifies many of us but what value did the story have to the people who told and heard it?

Notice of Congregational Meeting (22 December 2019)

From:  Board of Directors (All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church of Shreveport, Louisiana)

To:  All Members, Inactive Members, and Friends

In accordance with the Bylaws of our church and the Fifth Principle of Unitarian Universalism, we hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting on Sunday (22 December 2019) immediately following the 11:00 AM worship service.

On the Agenda:

  • The 2020 Budget
  • A change to the bylaws regarding membership categories

Please make every effort to attend.

All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can.

Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate but bylaws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.

We must have a quorum — childcare provided.


1 December 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (1 December 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Be Holy” by Rabbi Dr. Jana de Benedetti.

We are delighted to welcome Rabbi Jana back to our pulpit.  She is the spiritual leader of B’nai Zion Congregation and a great friend of All Souls.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Green Bag Sunday for Noel Food Pantry (1 December 2019)

It’s Green Bag Sunday for the Noel Food Pantry.

Bring the requested foods (or any foods) in your green bag (or any bag) to the church and place in the hatch of JoDel Adkins’ Green Kia Soul. out in front of the church.

Foods requested this week:

  • Canned soup or chili (15 oz.)
  • Jiffy cornbread mix (8.5 oz.)
  • Individual packets of hot cocoa mix

Adult Religious Education — 1 December 2019

Please join us on Sunday (1 December 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education classes.  For this Sunday, you have choices:

  • The New UU –Bennett Upton, Facilitator
    New and not-so-new Unitarian Universalists will benefit from this comprehensive introduction to our faith tradition and our congregation. Hear stories from our history, and learn more about our covenantal Living Tradition in the here and now.  For this Sunday — Session 4 –“Social Justice Philosophy and Practice.”  This workshop explores the philosophy and practice of social justice in a Unitarian Universalist context, and will include a panel of youth and adults who are active on various fronts of the quest for “peace, liberty, and justice for all.”
  • Understanding the Bible — Susan Caldwell, Facilitator
    Understanding the Bible provides an opportunity to engage with the scriptures and read them “against the grain.”  As our very tradition was born because our forebears took the initiative to do exactly that, often at the risk of their reputations and even their lives, it’s only right that we take on for ourselves the right and privilege of doing so.  This week — Session 2 — “Creations and Generations – Genesis.”