
Online Adult Religious Education — 20 March 2022

Please join us on Sunday (20 March 2022) at 9:00 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.

This Sunday we begin our work through the book Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad.

As the author says, “This is not a book you read, this is a book you do” and we will be discussing some of the journal prompts throughout the book.

Layla Saad is a black Muslim woman who was raised in the UK but who now lives in Qatar.  She has written, taught, and offered workshops to a global audience.

Although the book was written for white people to confront their own attitudes in the effort to dismantle racism, people of color have commented that the book has helped with vocabulary for dealing with these issues.

This week we will discuss the last three introductory chapters in Part 1 (pages 17-26).


Meditation with Larry Androes (19 March 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (19 March 2022) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.


Online All-Ages Worship (13 March 2022)

Please join us on Sunday (13 March 2022) at 11:00 AM for “The Home We Share with All Living Things” by. Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

This will be an outdoor worship service with Rev. Barbara Jarrell and friends.  Please join us on the playground at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, 9449 Ellerbe Road, Shreveport LA  71106 if you are able to do so.

Our service will also be livestreamed on Facebook Live here if you cannot attend in person.

And please remember that this weekend is the daylight savings time change (your clocks will “spring forward” one hour — luckily, most clocks do this automatically today).

Please join us for this special service in celebration of our shared Unitarian Universalist principles, the ways in which we live into them, and the ways in which we are still working toward that goal.

We look forward to participation from all ages including an Eight Principles Scavenger Hunt and sidewalk chalk art creations available to the children during the service.

The service will culminate with the “planting” of our new rainbow banner — this will be our fourth rainbow flag after the first three flags have been stolen.  We are installing a special sign to let any potential thieves know that we will make donations in honor of their theft to local LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations.

Although we will be outdoors for this service, we do ask that you stay masked when you are in close proximity to others — especially when singing.

Our March 2022 give-away-the-plate recipient is The Power Coalition for Equity and Justice.

While we are remaining physically distant, we want to know how you are doing, what you need, and what you are interested in.  You can let us know using these online surveys.

And you can contribute to All Souls using this online resource.


Children and Youth Religious Education Updates

We will continue to watch the local COVID numbers and we feel encouraged by the dropping COVID case rates.

Religious education classes for children and youth will resume on 20 March 2022 (please note that this is a change from last week’s religious education announcement).

Starting next Sunday, the children and youth will join us in the sanctuary for the first 15-20 minutes of the worship service and then we will sing them out to their classes.

We also have “busy bags” for kids sitting in the pews with their parents when we are in person as well as opportunities for children and youth to participate in services whether in person or online.

Our services are welcoming for all ages.

We have already heard from some who wants to get back to teaching and we are so grateful for your interest in this.

If others of you are out there, email Susan Caldwell.

We will probably schedule a teacher training soon and plan to start back with classes with at least two class dates in March 2022.

Watch our social media accounts, weekly email newsletters, and web site for more details as they become available.

Thanks to all for your patience and flexibility.


Online Adult Religious Education — 13 March 2022

Please join us on Sunday (13 March 2022) at 9:00 AM for our adult religious education class via Zoom.

This Sunday we begin our work through the book Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad.

As the author says, “This is not a book you read, this is a book you do” and we will be discussing some of the journal prompts throughout the book.

Layla Saad is a black Muslim woman who was raised in the UK but who now lives in Qatar.  She has written, taught, and offered workshops to a global audience.

Although the book was written for white people to confront their own attitudes in the effort to dismantle racism, people of color have commented that the book has helped with vocabulary for dealing with these issues.

This week we’ll be watching a short video interview with Layla Saad and will discuss the first three introductory chapters in Part 1 through page 16 in the print edition.


Building and Grounds Work Day (12 March 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (12 March 2022) from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM for our monthly building and grounds work day.

Along with the other inside and outside tasks, we will be digging a new hole for yet another rainbow banner — the fourth one replacing the third one that was recently stolen.

This is in preparation for our Sunday worship service at 11:00 AM on 13 March 2022.

As part of Sunday’s worship service, we will also be placing a sign informing the thieves that every time they harm or steal the banner, All Souls will make a donation to an LGBTQ-friendly organization in their honor.

For screen readers — the graphic above is a montage of pictures of various people working on the building and on the grounds, doing various tasks — sweeping, weeding, vacuuming, changing light bulbs, cleaning gutters.

The information posted with the graphic is the same information found in this web site article including the sign that says “Any time this flag is damaged, defaced, or stolen, we will make a donation in your honor to an organization that advocates for LGBTQ+ community. Thank you for your support!”


Meditation with Larry Androes (12 March 2022)

Please join us on Saturday (12 March 2022) at 10:30 AM for our weekly meditation group with Larry Androes.

This is a sitting Buddhist meditation including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation, 20 minutes of sitting, and followed by a weekly teaching.

The group is free and open to all.

For more information, contact Larry via email or phone using (318) 272-0014.


Online and Offline Giving Options During COVID-19 Pandemic — Updated 6 March 2022

Due to the recent COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and the  restrictions limiting us from having worship in face-to-face settings, we need to find another ways to keep everything happening at All Souls.

If you want to donate to All Souls, you can click on the link provided to our secure donations server.

On this site, there are four options for your donation:

  • Current Year Pledges
  • Capital Fund Drive
  • Collection Plate (for give-away-the-plate contributions)
  • General Fund

Pick the desired options for your donation.  Your donation can be a one-time donation or a recurring donation (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly).

Note:  If you give online, be sure to include your name in your entry. Several of our pledges are showing up anonymously.  If you wish to remain anonymous, thank you for your generosity and we will certainly honor that.  But if you want credit on your All Souls pledge statement, be sure you are filling in the space that says “Name on Card.”

If the name on the card is different from the pledging member, please specify the name on the pledge account in the Comments section and again — thank you!

If you want to send a check, please mail your check to:

All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
9449 Ellerbe Road
Shreveport LA  71106

Please indicate on the memo line of your check if your check is for the current year pledge campaign, the capital fund drive, the collection plate, or the general fund.

Thanks for your continued support during these challenging times.
