Cursos de Español para la Justicia (Spanish Course for Justice) Resumes 28 February 2012

The Spanish Class will resume this Tuesday (28 February 2012) at 6:00 PM

If you would still like to join the class, please speak to Virginia Villarreal to determine what you will need to do to catch up.  If you’ve been thinking about joining the class, now is the time!!!

Emergency Congregational Meeting (26 February 2012)

From:  Virginia Villarreal (Board Secretary)

To:  All Members, Inactive Members, and Friends

In accordance with the Bylaws of our church, I as Secretary of the Board, hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a special congregational meeting on Sunday, 26 February 2012 at 12:30 PM in the sanctuary.

On the Agenda:

  • Discuss the problems facing the maintenance and state of the building.
  • Discuss the options we may have for the future of the building.

Please make every effort to attend.  All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can.

Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate, but bylaws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.

We must have a quorum.  Childcare provided.

Help for Lisa Harper and Her Family

Lisa Harper (who has signed the Steppingstones Book and has been on the path to membership) experienced a tragic house fire on Sunday evening. Lisa and her two children are OK, but sadly, her fiancé, Dennis Perry, died of smoke inhalation. We ask that you keep Lisa and her children in your thoughts and prayers, and to put those prayers into action to the extent you are able.

The family has lost everything. They are currently staying with a friend, but are looking for a place to stay, long-term. In the meantime, they are in need of just about everything. Although they have already received enough children’s clothing, Lisa herself can use pants, Size 12, shoes, Size 10 and shirts in Large or X-Large, depending on how they run. You can bring the clothing to the church.

Later on, when they have a place to stay, they will need all kinds of household supplies, including pots and pans, dishes and silverware, bed linens and towels, and all the things that go into reestablishing a household. Please wait for notification of where to bring those items at the appropriate time.

You can also send monetary contributions for the family:

Bank of Ringgold
C/O Lisa Harper
PO Box 628
Ringgold LA  71068.

If you happen to be in Ringgold, the physical address is 2369 Mill Street.  The phone number of the bank is (318) 894-9134.

Thank you in advance for whatever you can do.

Worship for Sunday, 11 December 2011

This Sunday at our 11:00 AM Worship Service, Rev. Barbara Jarrell will be in the pulpit, the All Souls Choir will sing, and the service will feature special music from Buddy Flett and Tim Brogan.

Stay afterward for the year-end Congregational Meeting.  And don’t forget the Bake Sale.

Continue reading “Worship for Sunday, 11 December 2011”

A Taste of Interfaith — 4 December 2011

“A Taste of Interfaith” is an annual fundraiser for Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith.

Date: Sunday, 4 December 2011, 3:00 – 6:00 PM

Location: Mount Canaan Baptist Church, 166 Alston Street, Shreveport, Louisiana

The admission cost of $25 per person includes an afternoon of food and music representative of the diverse congregations and cultures that make up Interfaith’s membership. The All Souls Choir will be among those performing.

A Silent Auction featuring art, services and gift items to help you with your holiday shopping.

Proceeds support the work of Interfaith in the following areas:

Continue reading “A Taste of Interfaith — 4 December 2011”

Notice of Congregational Meeting — 11 December 2011

From: Virginia Villarreal (All Souls Board Secretary)

To: All Members, Inactive Members and Friends

In accordance with the Bylaws of our church, and as Secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a Congregational Meeting.

Date: Sunday, 11 December 2011 at 12:30 PM in the sanctuary.


  • Vote on the Annual Budget
  • Nominate 3 members to serve on the Nominating Committee

Please make every effort to attend.

All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can.

Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate, but bylaws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.

We must have a quorum. Childcare will be provided.

2012 Stewardship Campaign

Have you had a chance to talk to your Stewardship Campaign Representative?

If you are an active member, you most likely have been contacted by one of the stewards of this year’s campaign to support the ministries of the church.  You have either had or are planning to have a conversation with the steward about your own stake in the church and your hopes and dreams for its future.

We hope that you have welcomed this opportunity to pause and consider the spiritual dimension of your gifts to the church.

Still haven’t heard from your steward?  If you haven’t been contacted by the end of today (Friday, 11 November 2011), call Robert Smith (Stewardship Campaign Chair) at 318-861-8976 or email him at

Red River Radio Needs You!

The Pledge Drive is still happening at KDAQ and they may still need a few volunteers to work the phones on some shifts.

Volunteers who work a two-hour shift or more can help us to earn a day sponsorships for All Souls.

If you have any time to spare between now and 28 October 2011, please call Henry Edwards at 318-797-5154 and ask him to put you on the schedule.  Then when you sign in, be sure and write that you are working for All Souls.

News for Week of 8 October 2011

Worship – 11:00 AM, Sunday, 9 October 2011 — “Companions for the Journey” — our quarterly series featuring reflections from three of our members on the journey that led them to All Souls, and the reasons they stay. This month, we will hear from Cherrie Groves Moussaoui, John Allen and Patrick Early.


Pancake Breakfast – 9:30 AM-10:45 AM, Sunday, 9 October 2011 — Pancake Breakfast Fund-raiser — Come join us for a pancake breakfast with pancakes, sausage, vegetarian sausage, and more! Cost is your donation (no one is turned away) and the proceeds go to building air conditioning fund.


We need some REcycling!  If you have some empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls, bring them to the Pre-K/K-1 class in Room 1 before the service this Sunday Only (9 October 2011). They will be making shakers.


Northern and Central Louisiana Interfaith Candidate Accountability Meeting — 7:00 PM, Thursday, 13 October 2011 at St. Jude Catholic Church (3800 Viking Drive, Bossier City).

Invited guests include candidates for area seats in the State Senate and House, who will answer questions concerning their intentions to work with Interfaith on the issues that have come up from their member institutions particularly workforce development, enforcement of rental property habitability standards at the state level, and improvement of public education.

Turnout is vital to ensure that Interfaith has a place at the table in the ongoing effort to make our community a better place for all.