
5 January 2020 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us this Sunday (5 January 2020) at 11:00 AM for “Wholly Whole and Holy” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

Join us for the first service of 2020 as we begin our focus on the third source of Unitarian Universalism (the Wisdom of the World’s Religions).

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.


Adult Religious Education — 5 January 2020

Please join us on Sunday (5 January 2020) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education classes.  For this Sunday, you have choices:

  • The New UU –Bennett Upton, Facilitator
    New and not-so-new Unitarian Universalists will benefit from this comprehensive introduction to our faith tradition and our congregation. Hear stories from our history, and learn more about our covenantal Living Tradition in the here and now.   This Sunday — Session 1 — “Theology and Worship” — We begin with an introduction to each other and to Unitarian Universalism.  We will explore Unitarian Universalism’s process-oriented approach to religion as well as some basic theological understandings shared by most Unitarian Universalists.
  • Understanding the Bible — Susan Caldwell, Facilitator
    Understanding the Bible provides an opportunity to engage with the scriptures and read them “against the grain.”  As our very tradition was born because our forebears took the initiative to do exactly that, often at the risk of their reputations and even their lives, it’s only right that we take on for ourselves the right and privilege of doing so.  This week — “Setting the Scene for Jesus:  An Introduction to the Christian Scriptures” — Our Unitarian and Universalist forebears read the scriptures for themselves and arrived at interpretations of their own, sometimes at risk to their freedom or their very lives.  With the stakes not nearly so high in our own lives, it seems only right that we honor them as we claim the Hebrew and Christian scriptures that are also part of our own religious heritage.  We begin an exploration of the life and teachings of the man Jesus and the religious and political backdrop against which he came on the scene.

29 December 2019 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (29 December 2019) at 11:00 AM for “You Have a Point There” with Rev. Barbara Jarrell and Susan Caldwell.

Some “sermonating,” some storytelling, some music, but what’s the point?

Come and find out.

For this week’s religious education for children and youth, we will have a low-key movie and crafts day.

Regular classes will resume next Sunday (5 January 2020) as we begin our pillar on World Religions.


2020 Pledge Drive

Send in your 2020 pledge form now or bring it to church this Sunday (29 December 2019).

For more than 70 years, All Souls has provided a home for liberal religion in Northwest Louisiana.

The church currently hosts a variety of activities — Sunday services, adult and children’s religious education, Buddhist meditation, yoga, Earth-Based Spirituality, and more.

All Souls is proud to be recognized as a Welcoming Congregation (Unitarian Universalist program for congregations that have done additional study and discernment around issues related to bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender equality).

We are also honored and thankful to be the host location for the monthly meetings of Louisiana Trans Advocates (Shreveport Chapter).

Your donation helps maintain and improve All Souls.

Thank you to all who support this congregation with your time, talent, and treasure.


No Adult Religious Education Classes This Sunday (29 December 2019)

There will be no 9:15 AM adult religious education classes this Sunday (29 December 2019).

We will be back on 5 January 2020 with a new session of The New UU and the continuation of Understanding the Bible with an exploration of the Christian scriptures.

Check back next week for details.


22 December 2019 All-Ages Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (22 December 2019) at 11:00 AM for “Don’t Let the Lights Go Out” with the children, youth, and adults of All Souls.

Our winter holiday celebrations were born of a need to remember in the darkest times of winter that the Light will return.  It is in telling the stories and hearing their messages that call to us even now that we become the bringers of the light to a dark and hurting world.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (24 December 2019)

Join us on Christmas Eve (Tuesday, 24 December 2019) at 6:30 PM for our annual Christmas Eve candlelight service.

We’ll hear the Christmas story and we’ll sing the carols with the original words as we watch the candlelight growing in the window.

The service includes special music by the All Souls Choir and guest musicians.

Afterward, we have a very low-key reception in the social hall, where you can bring any extra goodies you want out of the house and spend some time in the holiday spirit in community with your All Souls friends.

Children and youth are invited to arrive at 6 p.m. to participate in an All Souls Christmas Eve tradition.


Adult Religious Education — 22 December 2019

Please join us on Sunday (22 December 2019) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education classes.  For this Sunday, you have choices:

  • The New UU –Bennett Upton, Facilitator
    New and not-so-new Unitarian Universalists will benefit from this comprehensive introduction to our faith tradition and our congregation. Hear stories from our history, and learn more about our covenantal Living Tradition in the here and now.  This Sunday — Session 6 — “Membership” — This workshop ties up loose ends and also explicitly invites those who have not yet done so to take the next step into membership.
  • Understanding the Bible — Susan Caldwell, Facilitator
    Understanding the Bible provides an opportunity to engage with the scriptures and read them “against the grain.”  As our very tradition was born because our forebears took the initiative to do exactly that, often at the risk of their reputations and even their lives, it’s only right that we take on for ourselves the right and privilege of doing so.  This week — Session 6 — “Meet the Prophets” — As we’ve discussed before in different contexts, the act of prophesying is often more of a “forthtelling,” than a “foretelling,” as in calling forth the powers that be and holding them accountable for the injustices of their regimes.  As we explore the prophetic tradition of the Hebrew Scriptures, we will look at the necessary tension between prophetic leadership, which is essential, and prophets that set themselves in a position to speak truth to the power of leadership, which is also essential.