
30 December 2018 Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (30 December 2018) at 11:00 AM for “On the Brink:  Music and Original Readings at the Turning of the Year.”

We presented this short phrase “on the brink” to a group of our members and friends inviting them to follow it wherever it leads.

Join John Allen, Susan Caldwell, Judith Cantil, Barbara Deger, Laura Flett, Jeff Gauger, Bob Jordan, and Rev. Barbara Jarrell to see and hear the result.


30 December 2018 Religious Education for Children and Youth

On this Sunday (30 December 2018) between Christmas and New Year’s Day, we will have a movies and popcorn Sunday.

The children and youth will have a chance to watch some holiday classics and take a break before we start our next pillar (World Religions) next Sunday (6 January 2019).


23 December 2018 All-Ages Worship Service

Please join us on Sunday (23 December 2018) at 11:00 AM for  “A Force of Light and Hope” with the children, youth, and adults of All Souls.

In this season, our holidays celebrate awaiting the return of light in the darkness and the spirit of the season also calls us to be that light for all who are disenfranchised or suffering in any way.

Join us as we lift up the ancient stories in ways that call us into the service of love and light here in the present day.


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (24 December 2018)

Please join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Monday (24 December 2018) at 6:30 PM.

The service features a reading of the Christmas story from the book of Luke in the Christian Testament, singing of the carols, special music by the All Souls Choir and guest musicians, and candle lighting.

All ages are welcome in the sanctuary although nursery care is also offered for infants and toddlers 3 years and under.


Special Congregational Meeting (13 January 2019)

  • From:  Jeff Gauger  (All Souls Board Secretary)
  • To:  All Members, Inactive Members, and Friends
  • Subject:  Announcement of Special Congregational Meeting

In accordance with the Bylaws of our church, and as Secretary of the Board, I hereby announce that All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church will hold a congregational meeting in the sanctuary.

Date / Time:  Sunday, 13 January 2019 / 12:15 PM


  • Vote on 2019 Budget (postponed from 16 December 2018)
  • Elect three members to Nominating Committee

Please make every effort to attend.

All active members should attend this meeting or give their proxies to those who can attend.

Inactive members and friends of the church are invited and encouraged to participate but bylaws stipulate that only those members who have been active 30 days or longer may vote.

We must have a quorum — childcare provided.


Adult Religious Education — 23 December 2018

Please join us on Sunday (23 December 2018) at 9:15 AM for our adult religious education class.

We will be watching “Bono and Eugene Peterson:   The Psalms.”

The inspiration for this delightful short film started with a thank you note:  a video thank you note from noted philanthropist and U2 lead singer Bono to Biblical scholar Eugene Peterson for his modern translation of the Bible (The Message).

Bono, a committed Christian, was particularly moved by Peterson’s translation of the Psalms and this correspondence ultimately resulted in a meeting for the two of them and an afternoon of discussion that is deep, moving, and hilarious — sometimes all at the same time.


16 December 2018 Worship Service and Religious Education for Children and Youth

Please join us on Sunday (16 December 2018) at 11:00 AM for “A House of Prophecy … Outrunning Times Past” by Rev. Barbara Jarrell.

What is our vision for the church in changing times?

If the church is (according to Kenneth Patton) “the cradle for our dreams and the workshop of our common endeavor,” what form will that take as we move forward?

A congregational meeting will follow this service.

Religious education classes for children and youth are offered during the 11:00 AM service.  Children and youth attend the first 15-20 minutes of the service and then are dismissed to class.
